ezGIF - Online animated GIF maker/editor
HTML Code Generator - Free web tutorials, codes and tools
IMAGECOLORPICKER.com - Get the HEX colour code value, RGB value and HSV value of any pixel in any image
LunaPic - Completely free online photo editing
midiworld - All the midis!
- An Altavista style search engine that scrapes pages from the Internet Archive
RetroGames.cz - A museum of old video games
Sylestia - Virtual pet browser game
textfiles.com - Archive of BBS textfiles from the 1980s
- A search engine building a web of pages as it was in the earlier days of the internet (ultra awesome!)
90's Cursor Effects - Fun cursor effects built for a modern browser
Having fun with link hover effects
How to use CSS Grid’s grid-template-area to reorder html elements based in viewport size - Make your CSS Grid-based site fit neatly on a mobile or tablet screen
netfriend's website helpers - Copy & paste tools, free for everyone to use