01/05/22 - It's May already?! I added a couple of new buttons to the Links page. I really need to make some new content...
13/03/22 - Fuzzbun is the Lair's new official mascot and all suggestions, complaints, and/or delicious cookies should now be addressed to her (watch your fingers!)
10/12/21 - I rearranged the furniture around here a little bit and uploaded a spanky new About Me page. I tried to make it look like the desktop of an Atari ST (which I owned when I was a kid) but I don't know how successful I was. It was fun trying, anyway! There's also guaranteed cat photos, woo!
05/10/21 - Added some new links and made friends with two little breakfast jellies who have come to live on my page. You're never too adult for web pets (or if you are, I don't care!) I've also joined some webrings, yay!
29/09/21 - Updated the Resources page. There's fancy tiled backgrounds now, and some gifs! Feel free to use anything you'd like.
08/09/21 - I'm back! And I might have gone overboard on the gifs...
20/11/20 - I have a cat. His name is Jareth.
19/11/20 - Finally happy-ish with this project... folly... procrastination device? Why am I here again?? Anyway, I have a layout and some fancy links. Also, I now know far more about css than I ever did before (which isn't much, but still...)
I am the TurtleWitch. This is my lair. I'm just over here loving old gifs and generally indulging in some top notch retro-web shenanigans, don't mind me.
Please make yourself at home, and maybe think about giving my rescued critters a visit. The little buggers are getting angsty.
Fuzzbun - Eater of Souls (and carrots with souls...)
This is Fuzzbun, a bunbun from the Cotton Candy Hills and the Lair's official mascot. She might look sweet but she knows some truly heinous curses so tread lightly... and don't wave any unattended carrots in her direction! That's how I lost a finger.
World of Bun!
Current Random Thought: Ryan Reynolds has starred in some truly terrible movies (or eye-gougers, as I will now refer to them), and I think alot of people forget that. Deadpool's cool though.
Current Favourite Thing: The little porcelain-faced clowns I found in a charity shop this weekend (that's a thrift store for you non-UK types!) I've been reliably informed they might be haunted.